Results for the Lincolnshire Show 2022 Show.
DAIRY CATTLE Section - 2022 Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's County Parish Holding Number is 24/654/8003 Please Note: ONLINE Entries for June 2022 SUMMARY OF ENTRY PROCEDURE FOR DAIRY CATTLE a) Reserved stalls must be booked online for Thursday 28 April 2022 b) No class entry fees will be charged for Breed classes, with the exception of the * classes, (Group of 3 and Dam & Daughter) c) ONLINE Dairy Entries close on Thursday 19 May. d) Exhibitors may only bring the number of animals to the Show for which stalls have been booked. e) No animal likely to calve during the period of the Show may be exhibited. f) Do read general Cattle Notes - Page 3 g) Please ensure that all group classes are entered by 28 April 2022 Please Note: In the event of low exhibitor numbers in any of the breed classes or low entries catalogued, classes may be cancelled or amalgamated. ENTRY and STALL FEES for DAIRY CATTLE (All figures include VAT) Member Rate Non-Member Rate £ 24.00 per Stall £48.00 f.o.c. Holstein Classes / Jersey Classes (Wednesday) f.o.c. £ 4.00 Exhibitor Bred classes (Thursday) £ 8.00 £ 4.00 * Group Class £ 8.00 £ 4.00 · Dam & Daughter Class £ 8.00 PRIZES IN ALL DAIRY CATTLE CLASSES Prizes will be as below according to the number of entries forward at the time of judging. Ordinary Classes (including Progeny Groups in Dairy Section): Number of Entries Forward at the time of Judging 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1 to 5 £48 £36 £25 6 to 9 £48 £36 £25 £20 10 and over £48 £36 £25 £20 £10 Group Classes / Dam & Daughter classes Please note that these classes are marked with the suffix * Number of Entries Forward at the time of Judging 1st 2nd 3rd 1 to 4 £15 £10 5 and over £15 £10 £5 Prize Payment Vouchers to be redeemed at Cash4Events near the Equine Rings In addition for each dairy animal at Show, with the exception of entries in the Under 12 month heifer class. · a voucher for the sum of £18 DRESS CODE: Smart Dress and White Attire MUST be worn by exhibitors during judging and parades. A note on Malpractice: Any artificial contrivance or device of any description found on or proved to have been used on an animal at any time whilst that animal is in the Showground, either for preventing the flow of milk or for any other improper purpose, will disqualify that animal from being awarded a prize, and any prize awarded prior to discovery will be forfeited. The Instigator or The Owner of the said animal may be prohibited from again entering Stock for any of the Society's Shows, for such period as the Committee may see fit. For the purpose of this Regulation, the term 'improper practice' shall be held to include setting of teats, and generally any other practice including tampering or of their own or any other animal by the exhibitor or any other person which results in the animals being shown other than in a natural state, and the Society reserves the right to have all animals inspected by the Society's Veterinary Officers, either prior to, during, or after judging. The Society will not tolerate the administration to show exhibits of tranquillisers or other drugs which may in any way affect the performance of the animal in question to have the effect of making it behave in the show ring in a manner which is not natural. The Society reserves the right to take any necessary samples. Any Person or Exhibitor (or his representative) who is found to have administered or permitted the administration of any such tranquilliser or drugs to any Show exhibit will be reported to the Organising Committee, and dealt with at their discretion. In addition the matter will be referred to the appropriate Breed Society or Organisation. Any Exhibitor wishing to lodge an objection, having reference to Livestock exhibited at this Show. Please see condition 30 in 01 - The Livestock Regulations & Information. All objections must be lodged within two hours of when the alleged incident occurred in accordance with the objection regulations, and no objection will be SUBSEQUENTLY received, unless a reason, satisfactory to the Committee be assigned for the delay. Reference points 45, 46 & 47 in: 01 - The Livestock Regulations & Information. |