Results for the Lincolnshire Show 2022 Show.
HOLSTEIN Judge: Mr D Jones MONMOUTH Judging will take place on Wednesday Conditions: 1. The Holstein Classes will be run under Holstein UK Showing Rules with the exception of external sealing of teats or other malpractice as stated in the Holstein UK Rules. Copies can be obtained from the Holstein UK. Exhibitors are asked to abide by the rules. 2. All animals must be registered in Holstein UK Herd Book proper, or in Classes B or C of their Supplementary Registers. 3. Your attention is drawn to the "Entry Procedure for Dairy Cattle", above. 4. Judge to select teams for the Interbreed Classes (to be held on the Thursday of Show) after the Supreme Champion Holstein Class. 5. Please Note the following rule from Holstein UK: Shaving or cutting the hair on the ribs, using the very fine blades of the trimming machines or cutters, such that the ribs appear scratched or bald, is forbidden. 6. Do read earlier Dairy Notes - ENTRY PROCEDURE FOR DAIRY CATTLE. CLASS DESCRIPTION |