Results for the Lincolnshire Show 2022 Show.

PIG Section - 2022
Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's County Parish Holding Number is 24/654/8003 for eAML2 movements

PIG ENTRIES will be accepted on the following basis:
• Payment will be per PEN (Space approx. 8' x 6' in covered accommodation), and per PIG. A maximum of 2 pigs are allowed per pen.
• Entries close on Tuesday 28 April. Late Entries will not be accepted.
• Entries are required to arrive on the Showground not later than 6pm on Tuesday 21 June, and must remain until 5pm on Thursday 23 June.
• Before entering, please read the Special Conditions below and class description.
• All pigs must be identified in accordance with current legal requirements and accompanied by correct movement documentation.
Please Note:
In the event of low exhibitor numbers in any of the breed classes or low entries catalogued, classes may be cancelled or amalgamated.

ENTRY FEES for PIGS (All fees include VAT)

Member Rate Non-Member Rate
£ 9.00 per PIG Pen £ 18.00
£ 4.00 per PIG Entry £ 8.00

PIG Section - 2022
Lincolnshire Agricultural Society's County Parish Holding Number is 24/654/8003

PIG ENTRIES will be accepted on the following basis:
• Payment will be per PEN (Space approx. 8' x 6' in covered accommodation), and per PIG. A maximum of 2 pigs are allowed per pen.
• Entries close on Tuesday 28 April. Late Entries will not be accepted.
• Entries are required to arrive on the Showground not later than 6pm on Tuesday 21 June, and must remain until 5pm on Thursday 23 June.
• Before entering, please read the Special Conditions below and class description.
• All pigs must be identified in accordance with current legal requirements and accompanied by correct movement documentation.
Please Note:
In the event of low exhibitor numbers in any of the breed classes or low entries catalogued, classes may be cancelled or amalgamated.

ENTRY FEES for PIGS (All fees include VAT)

Member Rate Non-Member Rate
£ 9.00 per PIG Pen £ 18.00
£ 4.00 per PIG Entry £ 8.00

PRIZES in the PIG Section
Prizes will be awarded as below according to the number of entries forward at the time of judging.

Number of Entries forward at the time of judging 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1 to 5 £32 £20 £15
6 to 9 £32 £20 £15 £10
10 and over £32 £20 £15 £10 £5

Prize Payment Vouchers to be redeemed at Cash4Events, near the Equine Rings


· The Lincolnshire Show B.P.A. Representative = Mr Chris Hudson
[email protected] , (07812 925439)
· B.P.A. Rosettes will be awarded only to members of the British Pig Association.

The Entries must fulfil the following Conditions relating to those pigs.

GENERAL CONDITIONS Relating to Prize Offers to Agricultural Show Societies, 2022
The British Pig Association offers prizes to Agricultural Show Societies subject to their accepting the following Conditions:

1 Separate classes (at least three) to be provided for each breed to which the prizes relate.
2 Classes to be open to competitors residing in any part of the United Kingdom.
3 BPA rosettes will be awarded only to members of the British Pig Association.
4 Judges to be selected from British Pig Association official lists and may be accompanied by a BPA appointed apprentice judge.
Identifying information for each exhibit to appear in catalogues in the following order:
(Primary ID = HDL/Ear No.) - in brackets; registered name; Herd Book number; date born; names and Herd Book numbers of sire and dam; together with the name of the breeder, if different from that of the exhibitor.
Please note that all the above information can be found in the BPA on-line herdbook in the pedigree pigs section of our website at Exhibitors should supply the registration number of each pig on their entry form. This number can then be used to display all the information required for the catalogue. Show societies are requested to use this facility to verify that the information supplied on the entry form is correct before printing the catalogue.
6 The BPA Special Conditions published to Societies, defining breeding requirement etc. for certain ages of pig, to appear in Show Schedules. Only those Special Conditions concerning breeds for which relevant classes are provided need be printed.
NOTE: If any Special Condition is already incorporated in a Society's own Regulations, repetition is unnecessary
7 The catalogue to include in the pig section a statement that classes are held under BPA Special Conditions as printed in the Show Schedule
8 A catalogue detailing all awards and Championship winners in the appropriate class(es) of the pig section or a full print out of all pig results to be sent to the BPA within fourteen days after the Show

SPECIAL CONDITIONS for ALL Pig Exhibitors (Modern and Traditional Breeds)
1. Pigs to have been registered in a published volume or accepted for entry in a forthcoming volume of the British Pig Association's Herd Book. (It is not sufficient for an animal to be "eligible for registration").
Animals registered in a Grading Register of a Herd Book are not eligible for entry in Agricultural Show Classes.
The ear number, registered name, Herd Book number and date of birth of each pig must be supplied for printing in the catalogue together with the name of the breeder in cases where the exhibitor is not also the breeder.
2. At all Shows in 2022, female pigs (all breeds) born before 1st January 2021 shall be eligible to compete only if in the six calendar months prior to the Show they have farrowed, suckled and reared to four weeks of age, a litter of pigs.
3. At All Shows in 2022 female pigs born on or after 1st January and before 1st July in the year before the show must within 18 months of their date of birth have farrowed, suckled and reared to four weeks of age a litter of pigs
4. Boars of two years of age and over (all breeds) are to be certified as having sired at least three live litters within the twelve months preceding the first day of the Show. The pigs comprising such litters are to have been litter notified in the British Pig Association's Herd Book or proof of their birth must have been given to the Association.
5. Boars aged twelve months or more at the time of exhibition, must have their tusks cut prior to the Show.
6. All boars must be shown by two competent handlers who are equipped with protective boards.
7. The use of artificial colouring, whitening and/or powder on pigs as well as the removal or addition of spots by artificial means is prohibited (white wood flour is permitted).