Results for the 2017 Lincolnshire Show Show.

S243     SPECIAL PRIZE - Best animal at Show, bred and exhibited by a member of the E.M.R.C. of the B.C.C.S. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3159  Wainwright, Mr Josh  ROGAN'S JOJO 
SPECIAL PRIZE - Best animal at Show, bred and exhibited by a member of the E.M.R.C. of the B.C.C.S.
EMRC TROPHY: PERPETUAL CUP and the sum of £50 kindly presented by The East Midlands Region Club of the British Charolais Cattle Society to the Winner for the Best animal at Show, bred and exhibited by a member of the E.M.R.C. of the B.C.C.S.
(Prize Money and Cup administered by The East Midlands Region Club of the British Charolais Cattle Society).