Results for the Show 2014 Show.

FD8     WHIRLWIND - Open Class Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
Berrill, Mr L   
Woodhead, Mrs J   
Smith, Mrs D   
Lindley, Mr B   
WHIRLWIND - Open Class
A semi-imposed exhibit to be staged on a black metal stand provided - height 170cm. Exhibitors will receive fabric which must be included in
the exhibit. All other components to be provided by exhibitor. Loop(s) to be attached to the exhibit for hanging. To be viewed and judged from the front. Space Allowed: Width 40cm, depth 25cm, maximum drop 100cm.
Further staging details supplied on acceptance of entry.
Exhibits may be brought in ready assembled and staged by the
competitions committee.

Entry Fee: £4.50 - Fabric supplied on acceptance of entry
Cheques payable to Mrs M Connor, Competition Secretary (non- refundable)