Results for the Show 2014 Show.

C535B      Champion Prize - Rosette & the SUM of £10 for each of the Best FEMALES in the Large Black, British Saddleback, Middle White, Gloucestershire Old Spot, Mangalitza, Oxford Sandy & Black, Berkshire & Tamworth breeds. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
British Saddleback Winner
2758  Wreakes, J R & M L  VICTORIA LOTTIE 101A 
Middle White Winner
2773  Merry, Mr Brian  EAVES FAIRLADY 7TH 
Gloucestershire Old Spot Winner
2767  Whiteley, Mr Oliver  DOCKENBUSH PRINCESS JOAN 27 
Tamworth Winner
2756  Roberts, Mr Stuart  RAISINHALL MELODY 11 
British Lop Winner
2771  Arden, K & B  GOOSETREE SUNSHINE 14 
Champion Prize - Rosette & the SUM of £10 for each of the Best FEMALES in the Large Black, British Saddleback, Middle White, Gloucestershire Old Spot, Mangalitza, British Lop, Berkshire, Oxford Sandy & Black and Tamworth breeds.