Results for the Show 2014 Show.

S206B     The Best PRESENTED HEIFER, judged by Mrs J Bolton Lincolnshire Show Rosettes for the handlers, together with a Crystal Trophy, kindly presented by LRCS for the Winner. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
LR/YFC Best Presented Heifer - 1st
3030  Charlton, Mr T H  VICKERS FIELD MAUREEN S21 
LR/YFC Best Presented Heifer - 2nd
3034  Bolton, G & J  WRAGBY PHYLIS S175 
LR/YFC Best Presented Heifer - 3rd
3031  Clough & Son , R I  BEVERLEY MILKMAID S 21 
LR/YFC Best Presented Heifer - 4th
3028  Clough & Son , R I  BEVERLEY MISS S 5 
LR/YFC Best Presented Heifer - 5th
3032  Needler, H M & J M  WALMER NANCY S967 
The Best PRESENTED HEIFER, judged by Mr M Baldry on behalf of the Lincoln Red Cattle Society, generously sponsored by Harold Woolgar Insurance.
Lincolnshire Show Rosettes for the handlers, together with a Crystal Trophy, kindly presented by Harold Woolgar Insurance for the Winner.

Appearance Money of £25, kindly sponsored by Harold Woolgar Insurance for every YFC Member bringing a heifer forward.