Results for the Show 2014 Show.

JuC213     Junior Champion Prize Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3086  Smith, Ms Emma  HOUGHTON HANNAH S300 
Junior Champion
3014  Spring Wood Farm  SPRINGWOOD STERLING 
Junior Champion Prize - donated by Mrs Bembridge, in memory of the late C.L. Bembridge M.B.E., D.L. - the SUM of £55 and Rosette for the Best JUNIOR BULL or HEIFER, born on or after 1st January, 2013 and £10 to the stockperson who prepared the animal. Winners of classes 202, 203, 210 and 211 to go forward.
The Winner will go forward to the Inter-Breed Beef Junior Championship, Class JuSuC321.

A Reserve Rosette for the Best animal of the opposite sex to the Junior Champion will be provided by the Lincoln Red Cattle Society.