Results for the Show 2013 Show.

343     COW which has completed 1st lactation in the exhibitors herd. (To be judged on Inspection and Production points). Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3423  Steeples, Mr Roger  CRAMAR I AFFIRMED FAITH VG89 
COW which has completed 1st lactation in the exhibitors herd. (To be judged on Inspection and Production points).
Production Points - 100 Can be dry, in-calf or having calved for a second lactation only, which must be incomplete, being below 305 days in-milk. Her first 305 day lactation yield and total weight of fat & protein to scale from a maximum of 100 points.
Inspection Points - 100 Judges are to award the points at their own discretion to the cattle placed on inspection. These will be added to the production points and the highest TOTAL POINTS will determine the Class Winner. In the event of a tie, the animal with the most points for production to be placed first.