Results for the Show 2012 Show.

S387      Special Prize - PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP (76), presented in memory of the late J.H. Denby Esq., for the BEST FLEECE carried by a yearling ewe entered in Class 388. Winner to go forward to Class SuC511, SUPREME CHAMPION PRIIZE for WOOL on the HOOF. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
2078  Fairburn, Mr & Mrs I  Lincoln Longwool 
2076  Coney, M D & J  Lincoln Longwool 
Special Prize - PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP (76), presented in memory of the late J.H. Denby Esq., for the BEST FLEECE carried by a yearling ewe entered in Class 386. Winner to go forward to Class SuC510, SUPREME CHAMPION PRIZE for WOOL on the HOOF.