Results for the Show 2012 Show.

109     CHILD'S FIRST RIDING PONY, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cm, rider not to have attained 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
948  Carter, Mrs Kate  MEGLAND JAUNTY 
944  Simms, Mrs Lisa  HOLLYBUSH LIBRETTO 
943  McDonnell, Mrs Mary  BRYNOFFA JONQUIL 
949  Read, Mrs Charlotte  THISTLEDOWN ROSE OF SHAROW 
950  Greenwood, Miss S V  BELANCADI BACH 
CHILD'S FIRST RIDDEN PONY, Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over, not exceeding 122cm, rider not to have attained 10th birthday before 1st January in the current year. No cantering to be allowed except for individual performance (to be shown in suitable Snaffle Bridles only).