Results for the Show 2011 Show.

582      Female Kid, not exceeding one year, but exceeding two months of age at the date of the Show, entered in the Anglo Nubian Section of the Herd Book. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
4095  Mangles, Mrs S E  WHINLEYS KATY AN033822D 
4096  Baldock, Mr & Mrs  SANDELL CHERIS 
4093  Moffatt, Mrs H  WHINLEYS APHEILA 
4089  Baldock, Mr & Mrs  SANDELL CERA 
4092  Mangles, Mrs S E  WHINLEYS AMELIA AN033817D 
Female Kid - not exceeding one year, but exceeding two months of age at the date of the Show, entered in the Anglo Nubian Section of the Herd Book.

Prizes Entries

1st ..................................... 2nd ....................................... 3rd .......................................

4th ..................................... 5th ....................................... 6th .......................................