Results for the Show 2011 Show.

79     The Tattersalls and RoR Thoroughbred Ridden Show Horse Class Thoroughbred mare or gelding, 4years old or over, any height. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
642  Staveley, Miss Sophie  INTAVAC FLIGHT 
656  Sadler, Miss Claire  OUT JOAN 
647  Taylor, Miss Claire  REEL CLASSY 
658  Watson, Miss Rachel  DOROOSS 
666  Johnson, Mrs Freda  TREAT EM MEAN 
The Tattersalls and RoR Thoroughbred Show Series 2011

The Tattersalls and RoR Thoroughbred Ridden Show Horse Class
Thoroughbred mare or gelding, 4years old or over, any height. Riders must be 15 years or over. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle, pelham or simple double bridle. Horses should be plaited.

The first two go forward to the championship at the Hickstead Derby Meeting in 2012.

Qualification will go down to 4th place if the first 2 have already qualified. All entries MUST be registered with Weatherbys in their General Stud Book and MUST also be registered with the ROR.

The class is open to thoroughbreds that have RACED. There will be a prize for the highest placed veteran 15years or over. The class will be run under the rules of RoR. Horses to be ridden by the judge. Competitors must wear a safety/kite mark hard hat with a chin strap.

Prizes Entries

1st £40 ..................................... 2nd £30 ....................................... 3rd £25 .......................................

4th £20 ..................................... 5th £15......................................... 6th ...............................................

Important Equine Regulation 6: Protective Headgear
Any person riding a horse/pony on the showground whether as a
competitor or judge must wear a protective helmet manufactured to
British Standard EN1384, ASTMF1163 or PASO1 5 with Kite Mark or SF1
or other suitable protective helmet which provides a similar or greater level
of protection and is the equivalent of British Standards outlined above.
Helmets must be worn with the chin straps correctly and securely fastened
at all times whilst mounted on the horse/pony. Any person not complying with this rule could be disqualified.

Hats or helmets requiring covers must be covered with plain dark coloured silks.
The Society accepts no responsibility for any injury arising from a failure to
comply with this regulation.