Results for the Show 2011 Show.

31     SMALL HUNTER MARE, exceeding 148cm (14.2 h.h. approx.) but not exceeding 158cm (15.2 h.h. approx.) with own foal at foot. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
291  Browne, Mrs Sue  CARTOON TOWN 
295  Dodsworth, Messrs M  LAMBWATH FAIR MELODY 
293  Parker, Miss L  QUEEN LUCIA 
SMALL HUNTER BROOD MARE, exceeding 148cm (14.2 h.h. approx.) but not exceeding 158cm (15.2 h.h. approx.) with own foal at foot. Mares could be measured on the day of the Show by an appointed official. (Please Note, LAS does not offer this facility.)

Prizes Entries

1st £45 ..................................... 2nd £30 ....................................... 3rd £25 .......................................

4th £20 ..................................... 5th £15......................................... 6th ...............................................