Results for the Show 2011 Show.

S267     Special Prize Class - The Eastern Simmental Cattle Breeders Club Perpetual Jack Wilkins Perpetual Cow Bell Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3165  Hurn & Partners, A  TWYFORD VIXEN 
Special Prize Class - This Special Class is OPEN to all Exhibitors, (enter S267 on the Booking Form & complete the COW & CALF details on the ENTRY FORM)
The Jack Wilkins Perpetual Cow Bell and cash prizes (1st Prize - £50; 2nd Prize - £30 and 3rd Prize - £20) for the Owner bred cow or heifer (previously exhibited in the above classes) with natural offspring at foot, bull calf or heifer calf born on or after 1.01.2011, (state the d.o.b.) To be judged on trait points and scored on the basis, 40% for the dam and 60% for the offspring.
This class is sponsored by The Eastern Simmental Cattle Breeders Club.

1st ..................................... 2nd ....................................... 3rd .......................................