Results for the Show 2011 Show.

227     HEIFER, over 18 months but under 30 months old on day of Show. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3082  Barwood & Padfield  BRINGLEE ELECTRA 
3087  Bowring Livestock, V & G  LITTLEWOOD ENGORI 
3084  Laight, J & W  WITHAM BANK EBONY ET 
3086  Laight, J & W  WITHAM BANK ECLIPSE ET 
HEIFER, over 18 months but under 30 months old on day of Show.
(If less than 8 entries in above classes or less that 3 forward in either class, they may be amalgamated at the discretion of the Stewards).

Prizes Entries

1st ..................................... 2nd ....................................... 3rd .......................................

4th ..................................... 5th ....................................... 6th .......................................