Results for the 2017 Lincolnshire Show Show.

269     COW or HEIFER, in milk or in calf, born before 31st December 2014. Cows and Heifers over 3 years 6 months must have had a full term calf in the last 12 months. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
3257  John Close & Son Ltd  FISHWICK KANARA 
3260  Blockley, Mr & Mrs D & A  SOUTHFIELD LYRIC 
3267  Sutcliffe, Mr & Mrs C T D  TETFORD TWINKLE 
3259  Blockley, Mr Harry  SOUTHFIELDE LACE 
3263  Llewellyn, B & M  CARREG MARTHA 
3273  John Close & Son Ltd  FISHWICK OMEGA 
COW or HEIFER, in milk or in calf, born before 31st December 2014. Cows and Heifers over 3 years 6 months must have had a full term calf in the last 12 months.