Results for the Lincolnshire Show 2019 Show.

369MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months on day of Show
370MAIDEN HEIFER or HEIFER in calf over 12 months but under 30 months on the Day of Show
371HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months
373DRY COW, not less than five months in calf
374COW, in milk with second calf
375COW, in milk with third calf or subsequent calf
376*GROUP of three Females
377GROUP of three Females, in milk or in calf, entered in Breed classes, by the same Sire or out of the same Dam, but not necessarily the property of one owner

Judge: Mr R Bostock
Judging will take place on Wednesday 19th June

1. All animals must be registered for entry in The Jersey Cattle Society's Herd Book.
2. Your attention is drawn to the "Entry Procedure for Dairy Cattle", at the beginning of the Dairy Section.
3. Judge to select teams for the Interbreed Classes (to be held on the Thursday of Show) after the Supreme Jersey Champion Class.