Results for the Show 2014 Show.
COLOURED RIDDEN HORSES AND PONIES (Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers)
COLOURED RIDDEN HORSES AND PONIES Sponsored by CHAPS(UK) Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers Judges: Ridden: Mr P Sims LEEDS Conformation: Miss T Southern RIDDINGS Conditions: 1. Only open to CHAPS (UK) Members and CHAPS (UK) Registered Horses/Ponies with a Horse of the Year Show. Competiton Number, (this can be obtained from CHAPS (UK) Admin.) All stallions must be graded with CHAPS (UK); ID Cards to be worn in the ring. Lead reins not eligible for these classes. For full rulings and information on competition/qualification, please refer to CHAPS (UK) Members' Handbook; or visit Entries sent without a current Horse of the Year Show Competition Number by close of entries, will be returned by the show as ineligible to compete. 2. Only one exhibit may qualify per class. If the 1st placed animal has already qualified, the qualifier may pass down to the highest placed exhibit standing to 5th place only, who has not already qualified. 3. No spurs when ridden by a junior rider (under 18 years), or by any rider competing in a restricted height section. All ages taken as at 1st January in the current year. 4. All exhibits will require a height certificate to compete in the height restricted qualifying classes and to obtain a Horse of the Year Show Competition Number (a photocopy should be sent to CHAPS Admin, 1 McLaren Cottages,Abertysswg, Rhymney,Tredegar NP22 5BH) 5. Horses/ponies are to be produced at Horse of the Year Show in the same type category in which they qualified. 6. Failure to comply with ANY of the Qualifying Rules will result in the forfeit of the qualifying place. 7. The 'pull-in' or 'no pull-in' system is at the discretion of the judges on the day. The judges must make the decision prior to the commencement of the first class and stewards to be instructed accordingly. If 'no-pull' is used, competitors will be asked to line up in any order from the initial presentation. Please ensure you are fully aware of HOYS own rules which can be seen on - download rules before entering these classes. Qualifiers: a) Horse of the Year Show Qualifier 2014, which will take place from Wednesday 8th - Sunday 12th October. Please ensure you are also fully aware of Horse of the Year Show's own rules which can be seen on - download rules before entering these classes. b) The 'Janus' Supreme Ridden Coloured Championship. The final to be held at the North of England In Hand and Mountain & Moorland Show on 13th July 2014, kindly sponsored by Lisha and Janay Leeman. (Prize Money at the final 1st £1000, 2nd £400, 3rd £100, 4th £50, 5th £25, 6th £25, 7th £25, 8th £25 Sashes to the Champion & Reserve, Rosettes to all other prize winners and finalists). Only the Champion and Reserve Champion will qualify from C82. Exhibitors who qualify for the final will be sent details directly from: The Secretary, North of England In Hand and Mountain & Moorland Show, Blue Slate Stables, Showley Road, Clayton-le-Dale, Blackburn, Lancs, BB1 9DP c) TSR Coloured Horse/Pony Rider Championships - The following classes 78, 79, 80 and 81 are qualifiers for the TSR Riders Championships. 1st & 2nd Riders qualify & can choose which final either TSR Gala Show 19th & 20th July, Onley EC, Rugby OR Wales and South West Riders final 6th Sept at SWPA Champs Show, Monmouth OR Scottish Riders Final 13th & 14th Sept Grand Slam Show Ingliston EC, Bishopstown. Full details at . d) CHAPS UK show affiliation number 14022. ENTRY FEES LAS Members Non-Members £35 £41 (These fees include a £11 Horse of the Year Show contribution). PRIZE MONEY 1st, £42; 2nd, £32; 3rd, £26; 4th, £20; 5th, £15 Rosettes to 8th Place CLASS DESCRIPTION |