Results for the Show 2014 Show.

294BULL, any age.
C295Champion Prize: Champion Rosette for the best Bull
296COW or HEIFER, born before 1.1.2013 in calf or with calf at foot.
297HEIFER, born on or after 1.01.2013.
C298Champion Prize - Champion Rosete for the best Cow or Heifer
JuC299Junior Champion Prize - Rosette for the best Junior Bull or Heifer, born on or after 1.01.2013.
SuC300Supreme Champion Prize: for the Best Animal.
301GROUP of three animals. The GROUP to be the property of the exhibitor and entered in the Aberdeen Angus classes.
Judge: Mr A P McLaren

If numbers are insufficient, the entries will be amalgamated with the
Other Native and Rare Pure Beef Breed Section.

Classes 294 to SuC300 will be judged on Wednesday 18th June.
Class 301 will be judged on Thursday 19th June.
1. All entries must be registered in the full pedigree section of the Herd Book maintained by the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society.
2. See Fees and General Conditions at the front of Cattle Section.