Results for the Show 2014 Show.

223BULL, under 18 months old on day of Show.
224BULL, over 18 months old on day of Show.
C225Champion Prize - Champion Rosette for the Best BULL.
226COW, in calf or with calf at foot.
227HEIFER, over 18 months but under 30 months old on day of Show.
228HEIFER, under 18 months old on day of Show.
C229Champion Prize - Champion Rosette for the Best COW or HEIFER
JuC230Junior Champion Prize
SuC231Supreme Champion - CHALLENGE TROPHY (88)
232GROUP of three animals - the property of one Exhibitor

Judge: Mr A Neachell

Classes 223 to SuC231 will be judged on Wednesday 18th June
Class 232 will be judged on Thursday 19th June.
1. All animals must be entered in the British Blue Cattle Society Herd Book. In accordance with the BBCS request please note that females should not have calved within 12 weeks of the show.
2. See Fees and General Conditions at the front of Cattle Section.
3. If Numbers are insufficient, Exhibitors will be notified and the entries will be amalgamated with the Other Pure Continental Breed Section.