Results for the Show 2013 Show.

368MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months on day of Show. A Special Rosette for the Top Handler in the class.
369MAIDEN HEIFER or HEIFER in calf over 12 months but under 27 months on the Day of Show. (Presentations after Class 354)
370DRY COW (Presentation after Class 355)
371HEIFER, in milk. (Presentations after Class 356)
372COW, in milk. (Final Judging & Presentation after Class 358 and 359)
S374Special Prize: The Jersey Cattle Society offers a Special Rosette and Prize Card to the best cow or heifer, registered in Herd Book and bred by an exhibitor who is a current member of the Jersey Cattle Society.

Judge: Mrs J M Daw
Hertford heath, HERFORD

Judging will take place on Thursday 20th June if there are sufficeint entries.

The following classes relate to Exhibitor Bred animals (to be the property of the Exhibitor).

(Please Note: If exhibitor bred entries are LOW, these classes will take place following the respective breed class (in brackets) on Wednesday)

The following classes relate to Exhibitor Bread animals (to the the property of the Exhibitor).