Results for the Show 2011 Show.

353MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months on day of Show. A Special Rosette for the Top Handler in the class.
354MAIDEN HEIFER or HEIFER in calf over 12 months but under 27 months on the Day of Show.
355DRY COW, not less than five months in calf.
356HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 2½ years.
JuC357Junior Champion: Rosette for the best junior animal. Winner to go forward to Junior Supreme Dairy Championship, Class JuSuC370.
358COW, in milk with second calf or subsequent calf.
359COW, in milk with third calf or subsequent calf.
360GROUP of three Females, to be property of the exhibitor and entered in Breed classes.
361GROUP of three Females, in milk or in calf, entered in Breed classes, by the same Sire or out of the same Dam, but not necessarily the property of one owner.
362 DAM AND DAUGHTER, two daughters of the same Dam or two daughters of the same Sire, entered in the breed classes, not necessarily the property of one owner.
SuC363 Supreme Champion Prize: Supreme Champion Prize: the PERPETUAL CHALLENGE Trophy (82), presented by the late Col. K. C. Lee for the best Cow or Heifer. Winner: Sash, Prize Card and the SUM of £25 Reserve: Rosette & Prize Card
Judge: Mr S Bland
PENRITH, Cumbria

Judging will take place on Wednesday 22nd June.