Results for the Show 2011 Show.

330MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months on day of Show. A Special Rosette for the Best Handler in the class.
331MAIDEN HEIFER or HEIFER in calf over 12 months but under 27 months on the Day of Show.
332 JUNIOR HEIFER, in-milk having calved under 3 years of age.
JuC333Junior Champion: Holstein UK Rosette for the best junior animal. Winner to go forward to Junior Supreme Dairy Championship, Class JuSuC373.
334COW, at least five months in calf.
335COW, in milk, having calved twice.
336COW, in milk, having calved three times or more.
S337Special Prize: A Rosette for the animals with the best udder from Classes 333, 336 and 337. These three will parade for the Best Udder in Show, Holstein UK Rosette.
338GROUP of three females to be property of Exhibitor and entered in Breed classes.
339COW which has completed 1st lactation in the exhibitors herd. (To be judged on Inspection and Production points).
340 DAM and DAUGHTER or TWO DAUGHTERS of the SAME DAM or SIRE entered in the breed classes, not necessarily the property of one owner.
SuC341Supreme Champion Prize: PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP (12), presented by the Lincolnshire Echo, for the best animal.
S342Special Prize - Holstein UK offers a Championship Award Rosette to the exhibitor of the champion. The reserve will also receive a rosette.

Judge: Mr P Miller
Hinton on the Green, EVESHAM

Judging will take place on Wednesday 22nd June commencing at 9.00 a.m.
Except for classes 344 to S352 which will be judged on Thursday morning following the Inter-Breed classes, at approx. 9.45 a.m.