Results for the Show 2011 Show.

294BULL, born on or before 31.12.2010.
295BULL, born on or after 1.01.2010.
C296Champion Prize: Champion Rosette for the best Bull.
297COW or HEIFER, born on or before 31.12.2008 in milk or in calf.
298HEIFER, born on or after 1.01.2009.
298AHEIFER, born on or after 01.01.2010
C299Champion Prize: Champion Rosette for best Cow or Heifer.
JuC300 Junior Champion Prize : Rosette for the Best Junior Bull or Heifer born on or after 1.01.2010.
SuC301Supreme Champion - CHALLENGE TROPHY (147), for the Best Animal.
302GROUP of three animals of one breed, the property of the Exhibitor, and entered into the Other Pure Breed Classes.
303GROUP of three animals of one breed, but not necessarily the property of one Exhibitor, which have been shown in the above Classes
Judge: Mr B Parkinson
Donington-on-Bain, LOUTH

NOTE: Where bookings are received for fifteen or more stalls from any individual breed, separate classes will be scheduled for that breed.
Classes 294 to SuC301 will be judged after the Blonde Classes on Wednesday 22nd June.
Classes 302 and 303 will be judged after the Blonde Group on Thursday 23rd June.

1. All animals must be registered in their respective breed Herd Books.
2. See Fees and General Conditions at the front of Cattle Section.